

Photo Organizing

With technology so readily available today, most families have their photos scattered on multiple devices, several online platforms and lots of storage formats. I will take all of your photos across all devices and platforms and combine them into one main photo hub. From this photo hub, duplicate photos can be eliminated, tags and facial recognition can be applied and all of your photos can be arranged chronologically making the process of finding your photos super easy! I will also create a backup of your entire photo collection for extra peace of mind.

Photo Scanning

Old photos and photo albums that are pre-digital can all be scanned and added into your digital photo collection enabling you to share with friends and family. This “future-proofing” provides an extra layer of backup for these precious and irreplaceable photos.

Scrapbook / Digital Photo Books

Many of my clients would like to be able to look at their photos in digital photo books or traditional scrapbooks. This is a beautiful way to display your memories and easily be able to re-live special moments. We can discuss your style preferences and decide whether a traditional scrapbook or a digital photo book would suit your needs best. I have many sample projects to look through to help you decide on the type of book, printing and design you like best.

Slide Shows and Montages

If you have a special event coming up, such as a Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, milestone birthday or anniversary, wedding, or quinceano, and would like to create a photo slide show set to music, I can help you with that as well.